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Trump’s “New” Deal: ethnonationalism for blacks, proposition nationalism for gentile others - goyim

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 28 October 2016 05:01.

Trump’s “New Deal”: Ethnonationalism for blacks, proposition nationalism for you, gentile other - what else is new?

Trump’s “New Deal” promises massive assistance to blacks on the basis of their race - what else is new?

Blacks are the only group for which Donald Trump has proposed a plan of help on the grounds of their race/ethnicity.

What else is new? This only further ensconces their status as quasi feudal lords: a people of privilege, a people of a different set of laws, a people whom we cannot discriminate against, of enhanced penalties for crimes against them (“hate crime” laws), a people whom we must hire, a people whose children we must pay for (and try to) educate - with knowledge for which we sublimated, endured pain and indifference and ridicule to acquire, while they, the blacks, have been pampered and lavished - a people whom we must serve.

We are their servants…not because they add value to our lives - quite the opposite (they take away from us vastly, markedly in regard to EGI) but because they are backed by terror - the intimidation of their bio-power, hyper-assertiveness, aggression, violence, destruction and Jewish machination.

This is to say nothing of the trillions in welfare, government handouts and programs, while their advocates demand “reparations” from generations who had nothing to do with their oppression in history but have in fact been penalized hideously for it - to the point of societal and national displacement, rape, murder and genocide.

Donald Trump is the kind of cowardly sell-out who has aided and abetted this circumstance.

“Trump’s New “Deal”, shafting the goyim of the world on behalf of blacks.

Bloomberg, “Donald Trump proposes new deal for black Americans”, 27 Oct 2016:

Today I want to talk about how to grow the African American middle class and provide a New Deal for black America.

That deal is grounded in three promises

1) Safe communities

2) Great education

3) High paying jobs

My vision rests on a principle that has defined this campaign right from the beginning.  You’ve seen where we’ve come from and where we are right now.  It’s called ‘American first’.

Every African American citizen in this country is entitled to a government that puts their jobs, wages and security first.

One of the greatest betrayals has been the issue of immigration.

Illegal immigration violates the civil rights of African Americans.

That’s what’s been happening (applause).

No group has been more economically harmed by decades of immigration than low income African American workers.

I will also propose tax holidays for inner city investment; a new tax incentive to get foreign companies to relocate in blighted American neighborhoods; and they will do that. it will be worthwhile; it’s called incentive - they will do it.

I am very humbled, beyond words, to be the nominee of the Party of Abraham Lincoln, a lot of people don’t know that, its the party of Abraham Lincoln.  And it is my highest and greatest hope that the Republican party can be the home in the future and forever more for African Americans and the African American vote; because I will produce and I will get others to produce; and we know for a fact it doesn’t work with the democrats; and it certainly isn’t going to work with Hillary.

And so Donald Trump’s agenda to rope implicit White Nationalists back into the Republican proposition nationalism - a naivete seized upon for the Jewish race mixing agenda - suckering “the Alternative Right” with dog whistles to anti-PC, has become apparent, all but explicit.

Trump’s New Deal: ethno-nationalism for blacks - the only group proposed help on basis of race/ethnicity - proposition nationalism for gentile others, a.k.a., the goyim.

“That deal” is grounded in three promises

1) Safe communities - can only be done relatively, with partial success only, through a Giuliani type active policing - a burden and social expense which would not be necessary in a White ethnostate.

2) Great education - can only be done at a terrible cost to non-blacks - we must (try to) educate them - with knowledge for which we sublimated, endured pain and indifference and ridicule to acquire, while they, the blacks, have been pampered and lavished, to do nothing but indulge themselves and have offspring - a people whom we must serve.

3) High paying jobs - they already have that: blacks are vastly over represented in government jobs that are easy, well paying, with good benefits, reasonable hours, vacation time and overtime pay available for those want it. As for the corporations, there is no more coveted and lavished employee than a black from privileged education and of those precious few at the higher end of the bell curve to round out their quota and non-racist credentials. Disobey at the price of being sued and otherwise maneuvered into the loss of your enterprise ...while government contracts are set aside for black businesses and private contracts are compelled to use black contractors as well.

So what else is new?

Donald must not try breaking those promises of privilege, promises granted in cowardice to the hyper-assertive, hyper-aggressive, rioting, Jewish lawyer backed black American populace.

But we are supposed to hate: Mexicans, who are either White, close to White, identify and assimilate as such, or more AmenIndian, benign and minding their business where not helpfully industrious; we are supposed to resent and penalize Asians that they can remain the labor force to pay for black and Jewish privilege.

Yes, sure, Trump is playing 57 dimensional chess, so are his supporters - right.

Duda and Orbán against Brussels’ sovietisation

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 27 October 2016 08:31.

While Duda and Orbán’s invocation of the centrality of Christianity to the nationalist cause will be disconcerting to many of us more wise to the fact that it is a Jewish Trojan horse, we should be charitable enough to understand that it has been, and remains still, a culturally habituated way of saying “not Jewish.”

It is up to us to support native European nationalist efforts by pointing-out that this is a provisional distinction at best, albeit a 2,000 year old provision, which has had a way of binding nationalist masses and yoking their identity with Noahide laws (as Kumiko astutely observes) - thus, ultimately, to Jewish control if we do not successfully liberate ourselves from the false identity that is the “Gentile” (as GW astutely observes) - an “identity” which knows no distinction other than “the undifferentiated other” to Jews and its beholdenness to its Jewish forebears for its messiah and its law.

Enough sour grapes for now. There is certainly hope in Duda’s concordance with Orbán in furtherance of the Intermarium project on display at the commemoration of the 1955 Hungarian Uprising -

Visigrad Post, “Duda and Orbán against Brussels’ sovietisation”,  24 Oct 2016:


Hungary, Budapest – On Sunday, October 23, Hungary celebrated the start of the ’56 uprising. In front of the Hungarian parliament, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Polish President Andrzej Duda gave a strong speech against the current policy of the European Union, about Christianity and about the deep friendship between Poland and Hungary.

Polish President Duda greeting the crowd. MTI Fotó: Szigetváry Zsolt

In front of thousands of people gathered on the place Kossuth, in the center of Budapest, Hungarian PM Orbán and Polish President Duda made a speech welcomed by Hungarian and Polish citizens. President Duda first talked in front of the crowd. The Polish President started his speech by saying few words in Hungarian. Hungarians “have always been friends” and they can always rely on Poland, “even in difficult moments of the future,” said Andrzej Duda.

Poland is “proud and grateful” that it was able to provide aid to the Hungarian revolution, Duda said, and noted that his people had sent 44 tonnes of medicine and medical equipment as well as 800 litres of blood to Hungary shortly after the uprising broke out. “Poles are proud that the grandchildren of 1956 heroes have, symbolically, Polish blood in their veins”, the president said. In Hungary’s freedom fight “thousands died, but after some decades, finally, you recovered your freedom through much suffering and sacrifice,” Duda said. He also voiced his conviction that “through hard work both Poles and Hungarians will achieve the living standards of western societies”, reports Hungary Today.

Concerning the traditional friendship between the two countries, Duda said that they together “carry on the thousand-year-old Christian tradition in Europe”, and insisted that those traditions were just as important as freedom. “God bless Poland and Hungary, glory to the heroes of the Hungarian revolution,” Duda said concluding his address.

Viktor Orbán during his speech on Sunday, October 23

“Protect Brussels against Sovietisation”

Then, Prime Minister Orbán gave his speech. The European Union must not be turned into a “modern-age empire”; the community must not be replaced by a “United States of Europe”, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Sunday. Viktor Orbán said that “freedom-loving peoples of Europe must save Brussels from Sovietisation”.

“We, Hungarians, want to remain a European nation, rather than become an ethnic minority in Europe,” Orbán insisted. “It is only our national independence that can save us from being devoured by an empire,” Orbán said, and argued that it was that very “national idea” that had saved Hungary from being integrated into the Soviet Union. As descendants of 1956, Hungarians “cannot let Europe cut the roots that had once made it great and also helped us survive communist oppression,” Orbán said. He added that Europe could not be “free, strong, and respectable without the revitalising power of nations and two thousand years of Christian wisdom”. The prime minister insisted that Hungary had chosen “the hard way” when it “preferred children of its own to immigrants, work to speculation, earning a living to becoming a slave of indebtedness, and protecting borders to surrendering”.

Hungarians will always fight for freedom and will achieve it “even in the most hopeless of situations,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at the state commemoration marking the 60th anniversary of Hungary’s anti-Soviet uprising of 1956. “We, Hungarians, have a talent for freedom, we have always known how to use it. He warned that freedom is “not a final state but a way of existence; just like swimming: you stop doing it and you will sink”. The question is always this simple: whether we decide on our own fate or other people,” he added. October 23 is a day on which Hungarians should be proud, the prime minister said.

History puts Hungary in the mainstream of disputes on the future of Europe every 30 years, the prime minister said. He argued that in 1956 Hungary attempted to “shift the Iron Curtain east of our borders”, then in 1989 the country opened its western borders “so that Germans could find a way to Germans”. And most recently, Hungary “had to close its borders to stop the influx of migrants from the south”, he said. Hungary will not falter “even if those whom we are trying to protect attack us from behind”; we have “the courage to face injustice… and Europe can always rely on us,” Orbán said.

Italy: More Invaders than all 2015

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 08:07.

TNO, “Italy: More Invaders than all 2015”, 25 Oct 2016:

More Africans have now invaded Italy this year than the total number who did so last year—and there are still over two months of 2016 to go.

Official figures show that over 153,000 nonwhite invaders have landed in Italy as of October 24, 2016. The figures were released following the landing of over 4,000 sub-Saharan invaders over the past weekend.


One of the invaders, Alhaji Kutubu Sankoh, from Sierra Leone, told an AFP reporter on the Norwegian ship, Siem Pilot, that he had left his home and set out for Europe after his father died of Ebola—raising the real possibility that the invaders are bringing that disease with them into Europe.

Meanwhile, residents in the northern Italian town of Gorino, Ferrara, successfully prevented the authorities from “placing” a number of invaders in their town by physically blockading all the public roads.

Elated Muslim lunatic celebrates winning suicide bomber drawing

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 25 October 2016 07:32.— “Elated Muslim lunatic celebrates winning suicide bomber drawing”, 21 Oct 2016:

You would have thought he just won the lottery. Video reveals a Muslim loon ecstatic over winning the role of suicide bomber.

The Muslim will get the opportunity to blow himself up and take the lives of others when he does.

White globalists do much the same. They are ecstatic about the prospects of destroying themselves while harming others through the destruction of Western culture.

Both are the victims of self-destructive thought reform.

Read more here: Sun, “JIHAD’S YOUR LOT: Warped ISIS fanatics celebrate after ‘drawing straws’ to win the chance to launch the next suicide bombing”, 21 Oct 2016:


Outrageous: Muslims mass protest by Roman Colosseum, in a nation where they have no right to be

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 22 October 2016 16:44.


New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Urges Other Victims To Go Public

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 21 October 2016 02:16.

Breitbart, ” New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Urges Other Potential Victims To Go Public”, 20 Oct 2016:

Las Vegas — Speaking in a Breitbart News video exclusive interview, Leslie Millwee, the former local television news reporter from Arkansas who claims she was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton in 1980, is urging other potential sexual assault victims of the former president to go public.

“I encourage anyone else that went through a similar situation that I did to come forward because these people need to be held accountable for their behavior,” Millwee stated.

Millwee was asked by this reporter whether she is afraid now that she has gone public.

She replied:

“I’m afraid because I know the moral compass and the lack of integrity that I feel the Clintons have. I think there’s been no accountability by the media for many of the illegal things that they have done. No one seems to hold them accountable for their behavior. And am I afraid they will try to do something to me? Of course I am. But I’m also willing at this point. This needs to be said…

“And Hillary is just as culpable as he is in the fact that she helped him cover this up for all those years and harass the women that were raped victims and victims of sexual harassment. So, am I afraid? A little bit. But I am more afraid not to tell the truth and not to bring this to light.”

Millwee told her story for the first time in a Breitbart News exclusive interview published on Wednesday. She claims she was assaulted by Clinton on three separate occasions in 1980.

Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her in a small, isolated television editing room while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax.

After these alleged sexual assaults, Millwee claims, Clinton showed up at her apartment and knocked on her door for several minutes while trying to talk his way inside.  She says that Clinton departed after she purportedly refused to respond.

“A new template against anti-Semitism”

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 21 October 2016 01:12.

Jewish News Online, “The new template for the fight against anti-Semitism”, 21 Oct 2016:

“The Home Affairs Select Committee report into anti-Semitism, published this week, is a serious body of work that should set the template for action against anti-Semitism in this country for the next few years.

Ten years ago, a previous all-party Parliamentary inquiry into anti-Semitism, set up by John Mann MP and chaired by Denis MacShane, concluded that anti-Semitism was on the rise and had taken on new forms. Islamist extremists and obsessive anti-Zionists had joined the old-style neo-Nazis in posing new threats to Britain’s Jews.

Now a different cross-party group of MPs has once again taken the pulse of our nation and found that, while there has been progress in tackling anti-Semitism since that first report, there is much work still to be done and, in some respects, things are getting worse.

This resonates with our experience at CST. While Jewish life continues to flourish in this country, the terrorist threat we face from jihadists is unlikely to recede, while social media conspiracy theorists and the mainstreaming of some anti-Semitic attitudes continue to grow.

First the good news. The UK, according to the report, “remains one of the least anti-Semitic countries in Europe”. It is hard to disagree with this, particularly when you see our fellow Jews leaving France and other European countries….


German State Media Silent After Teenager Murdered by Immigrant

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 21 October 2016 00:11.

Kennedy Bridge, Hamburg

Red Ice, “German State Media Silent After Teenager Murdered by Immigrant”, 20 Oct 2016:

By Reinhard Wolff

On Sunday evening, Viktor E. was walking across the Kennedy Bridge in Hamburg with a friend. The suspect then came up behind Viktor, stabbed him repeatedly, and pushed his friend into the water. Viktor was quickly transported to the hospital but died shortly thereafter.

The suspect was described as a non-White man in his mid-twenties.

While this story has made its rounds on German social media, it has failed to elicit any coverage from the two public television channels, ARD and ZDF, with the latter stating that it does “not report on individual cases.”

ZDF journalist Eva-Maria Lemke even said that cases like this – meaning those in which third world immigrants violently attack native Germans – are not worth covering because they are not the result of “structural problems.” The irony is that mass immigration from the third world is indeed a structural problem, seeing as how it is the direct result of government policy.

Unsurprisingly, this isn’t the first time that German state media has turned a blind eye to immigrant-on-German crime. E.g., Tagesschau opted to not report on the brutal murders of Daniel S. and P. Niklas at the hands of non-White immigrants.

In light of this deliberate censorship, one cannot help but wonder if the media would respond in the same manner to an ethnic German murdering a non-White immigrant.

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sat, 23 Mar 2024 05:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Fri, 22 Mar 2024 23:51. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 06:09. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 05:24. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 13:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 12:27. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part four' on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 08:34. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 08:11. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Sat, 16 Mar 2024 17:31. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Sat, 16 Mar 2024 12:27. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Sat, 16 Mar 2024 07:14. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Patriotic Alternative given the black spot' on Sat, 16 Mar 2024 05:38. (View)

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